Re: Capcom CPS-2

From: James G Watt <>
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 17:50:03 EDT

In article <Pine.A41.4.21.0006160822570.75530-100000@homer10.u.washingto>, Dave George <> writes
> So I've finally got one, and I got my Aux. harness (thanks Alan),
>but I didn't think to get the pinout for it until I had a bundle of
>wires in my hand. =) So if someone could send that to me, or LMK where
>it might be, I would appreciate it, as always.

btw I've got some cps2 b-boards for trade...

Vampire The Night Warriors (Green CPS2 B-Board)

DARKSTALKERS The Night Warriors (Blue CPS2 B-Board)

VAMPIRE HUNTER II Darkstalkers' Revenge (Green CPS2 B-Board)

James G Watt
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Received on Fri Jun 16 15:37:42 2000

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