RE: First raster monitor repair.

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 22:50:55 EDT

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, John Mehrtens wrote:

> It's definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, the vertical linearity filter
> section that's going kaput. And in my experience it has always been a
> capacitor in this section. Which one? Don't know the monitor, so I can't
> point it out. I'd cap kit it.

It's a Sanyo. Couldn't find a model number on it. Has lots of Japaneese
writing. THe PC board looks very similar to the one on Bob Robert's page of
a Sanyo 14" , but this is closer to 19 or inches.

Thanks -- I'll look again for that v-lin pot. Don't recall seeing one when I
was going over it, but there is a lot in there. I'll also check with Bob
Roberts, see if he has a kit for it.


Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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