Re: Joust: How does a non-EE tell if the PS has the crowbar overvoltage protection?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 06:04:34 EST

Are you asking if there is a crowbar protection on your power supply or are
you asking if the crowbar can be the cause of low voltage? If the former,
look for an SCR across the output of the supply and ground, with the gate
lead going to a zener diode and a pull-up resistor to the output of the
supply. If the later question, if the crowbar is working you would get no
more than 0.707VDC output.

John :-#)#

At 10:25 AM 11/29/00, wrote:
>It looks like the voltage to my board is low, but I wanted to check this
>out before I start poking around. Thanks!
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Received on Tue Nov 28 22:20:31 2000

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