RE: Q*bert sound board repair

From: Magiera, Joe (AIT) <>
Date: Mon Aug 13 2001 - 08:25:46 EDT

Roy "Chumblespuz" has a good Q*bert sound repair guide. His web page
appears to be unavailable, but it has been copied to:
nd.html> , which is part of Tom McClintock's excellent Gottlieb portion of
his web page. Tom has lot's of other good Gottlieb tech advice, it's at:
<> , his main page is: <>
If those pages DON'T help you fix your Q*bert sound, I suspect both Tom and
Roy would be interested in hearing from you to further diagnose (and then
add to their troubleshooting info once finally fixed). I would too, as my
Q*bert sound is out too.
See you at CA Extreme (I hope!).
Joe <>
-----Original Message-----
From: David Shoemaker []
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 3:35 AM
Subject: RASTER: Q*bert sound board repair

Anyone have a repair guide for these?
I have one that gives no sound on power up and no sound on hitting the test
CPU / 6532 / roms are all checked good.
Anyone know what the switch bank on the board does?
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