Re: WG 25K5501 (4 player Demolition Derby) - Standard or Medium res?

From: Joe Magiera <>
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 11:20:23 EST


Thanks for the suggestions. On the frequency counter suggestions, I
think I have two problems here, A) I don't have or know how to use an
o-scope & B) (even bigger problem), I suspect the monitor needs to
work to be able to do this. It that true (that the monitor needs to
work)? As I mentioned, it is dead. The first thing the WG people
said when they looked at it was they wouldn't mess with it because the
anode was exposed. They strongly suggested not powering it up until
the HV was replaced with a protected anode.

I am taking an intro to electronics at a local junior college (so I
can try to understand you guys a bit more on the more active vector
list). We are supposed to use an o-scope in a few more weeks.

I'll see if I can track down a MAME person for some help... Actually
doesn't MAME tell you when firing up MAME with rates a game is
using? I don't have MAME (and can't until I can get a better PC).
Can someone fire up 4-player Demo Derby on MAME and let us know what
it says?


Kev wrote:
> I'm pretty sure there is a medium res 4900 series WG, I had one in a
> Bonanza Bros game.
> Quickest way to tell would be with an O-scope or frequency counter &
> look at the sync output.
> Isn't Demolition Derby a based on similar hardware as other games?
> That may help give a clue too.
> What about MAME, does that have a description of the game that you
> could infer resolution from?

jess askey wrote:
> From what I remember from the game, it was not med-res looking. If you
> have a frequency counter you could measure the frequency coming out of
> the horizontal and vertical drive IC's. If they are off standard 15Khz
> and 60Hz, then it is scanning higher. Also, look at the tube number and
> find the specs on it that would be the definitive answer I would think.
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