Re: WTB Williams Special Chips

From: Paul Sommers <>
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 16:11:43 EDT


I believe Bob Roberts can burn the Decoder Prom (he does the Defenders and
stuff) you probably will just have to send him the binary file if it is
different to the other Williams PCB's.

I *believe* the SC2 chip is also the same as from the classic Williams sets.
But the only place to get one of these is to rob another board.

Download the Joust or Robotron manual and check the part numbers for these
chips against the Joust equivs.


on 21/4/02 5:10 AM, Teaganm at wrote:

> I've been working on bringing a Williams Turkey Shoot back to life. With
> some help, it's been determined that I have 3 bad custom chips.
> From the CPU PCB:
> IC29 "Special Chip 2" #A-5410-10083 (on the prints as "Custom V.Proc #2)
> IC30 same as IC29
> From the Video PCB:
> IC60 "Decoder-ROM 5A (Horizontal)" #A-5283-10292 6349 ROM, 512x8
> Does anyone have these for sale, or know who would? The 6349 decoder
> looks like an AMD Prom number. Thanks.
> Steve
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