Re: 8316 eprom?? masked rom??

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 10:48:35 EDT

Hi Bryan,

You will be able to read this (and replace) as a 2716. If you want to be
sure though there is a simple test you can do with a voltmeter. When the
game board is powered up check if pin 21 of the ROM is near 5VDC, if it is
then you have the equivalent of a 2716 in hand.

John :-#)#

At 10:41 AM 15/08/2002 -0400, Bryan Kruzynski wrote:

> My Missile Command has 8316 eproms or they might be masked roms. I
>can't seem to find out any information on them. Can they be replaced
>with 2716's? Is there a datasheet for them somewhere?
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Received on Thu Aug 15 07:51:49 2002

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