Re: Loss of Horizontal Sync G07

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 12:49:55 EDT

Are you sure that it is the horizontal direction? Remember that monitors
are laid out like TVs and the horizontal axis is ALWAYS the long length of
the tube. So if you game is a vertical one (Pacman, 1942, etc.) then you
are talking about the VERTICAL hold.

Sometimes a simple cure is to jumper the Positive sync pins (unused pins 5
& 6 on video input connector) this can bypass a bad Vertical (or
Horizontal) input transistor. Fixes about 50% of monitors without having to
work on the board (street repairs!)

John :-#)#

At 10:57 AM 07/08/2003 -0500, SteveT wrote:

>I have a G07 with no horizontal sync. It locks vertically but rolls in
>the horizontal direction. Anyone seen this? I replaced both horiz sync
>drive transistors and subbed in a new IC . No change.
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