Re: RE: VECTOR: new question- converting monitors from Vertical to Horizontal is it possible?

From: <>
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 17:31:17 EDT

On Sat, 9 Aug 2003 09:13:06 -0700, you wrote:

>> This is probably better for Rasterlist- but there Ive seen no traffic.
>>Does anybody know of a web resource that tells how to do this? The monitor
>>in question is a WG something or other. There appears to be a plug that
>>tells the chassis whether its H or V- Hell I'm just going to try some stuff.
>>If anybody has any ideas I'd appreciate it...

>As far as I know, you can't do this.

        Horizontal and vertical orientation is handled entirely by the game
board; the monitor neither knows nor cares which way the picture is being
generated. (In other words, from an electronics standpoint "horizontal" is
always across the long axis of the monitor and "vertical" is always across
the short axis, regardless of how the monitor is mounted.)

>2) Switch the yoke wires to rotate the monitor 180 degrees - this will just
>turn the image upside down, it won't rotate the monitor from horizontal to
>vertical. Note that when I say "switch the yoke wires", I mean "switch the
>horizontal wires with each other and the vertical wires with each other".
>Plugging your horizontal wires into the vertical yoke will do Bad Things,
>I've been told.

        Most likely, yes, it will -- the impedances of the two yokes are
considerably different.
"In ancient times, they believed that there were only four kinds of matter:
Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Nowadays, of course, we know that there are
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solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)

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