Re: Monitor schematics?

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 02:16:14 EST

Thanks Rodger,

As for the other suggestions - those are sites I found in looking for
this old colour monitor...but they are not the correct models nor
schematics. As far as I can tell it is an early TOIE (NANAO?) monitor
that use the AN5430 (no other monitor I've seen uses that) and is 13"
(370XXXXXX tube).

There was another site (I think it is down now) that had thumbnails
of the monitor chassis and links to the schematics for same. Thought
the site was or something like that.

Currently we have one monitor working, but regulation is iffy (not
sure of the operating voltage - currently it is running at 123VDC +/-
~5% over a range of 20VAC input variance, with 21KV to the 13" tube.
Seems high to me...) and as I have another of these to fix it would
be nice to find the manual.

I'll post something on Flippers next week (pictures of the chassis,
etc) and maybe someone will recognize it then.

Thanks for the help so far, it is appreciated!

John :-#(#

At 12:26 AM -0600 2/22/04, Rodger Boots wrote:
>Hey John, if there was a datasheet available for the AN5430 I would
>have found it and put it
><>here for you!
>John Robertson wrote:
>>I have an ancient SEGA Frogger 13"c/t that I can't find the monitor
>>schematic for...pulling my hair out! What happened to the Monitor
>>ID web site? I can't recall the name and have no luck finding it on
>>google. The SEGA Frogger manual tells me to look in the DISPLAY
>>manual - big help! I believe it is TOEI or maybe NANAO...
>>Also looking for (if the schematic can't be found) the
>>pinout/diagram for it's Hor/Vert driver IC a AN5430 (can't find it
>>This is the last thing keeping a nice Frogger C/T from coming back to life!
>>John :-#(#

John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T Call 
(604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"
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