Need some help with a Pong Machine

From: Matt Rossiter <>
Date: Mon Jun 09 2008 - 12:09:35 EDT

I have an interesting project to work on. I have a Pong machine that
is an exact replica made by a master furniture maker. When I say it's
"exact" I mean it's exact down to the last detail as far as the
cabinet. It's pretty neat. I just need to put the parts all in,
which I have from an original machine.

Does anyone have some photos of the inside of a Pong machine so I can
see where the transformer and boards go?

I also have an original Hitachi TV set that was in a Pong machine but
it's in pretty sad shape. Does anyone happen to know how to modify a
black and white TV set to play Pong? I would like to buy a nicer
Black and White TV.

Any help I can get would be appreciated.



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