Fluke 9010A Checksum Hack

From: Fish, David <dfish_at_bev.etn.com>
Date: Mon May 08 2000 - 08:11:09 EDT

Hi Folks,

 Since there seems to be renewed interest in this project
I might as well 'let the cat out of the bag'. I've been
working on this project for about a month so far in my
spare time and I'm close to completing it. I've already
emailed Jess and John to let them know, but I don't think
John got his email, our system went down due to the virus
and it may not have made it out.

Anyway, so far I've got the code disassembled, all the
message and look-up tables mapped out and the I/O
routines located. I got my emulator hooked up to a 9010A
and it finally functional (forgot to disconnect the two
watchdog traces). On Saturday, I located the Checksum
routine. The 9010A seems to perform an accumulating XOR
Checksum calculation. I'm not sure what type of calculation
PROM programmers use but I'm guessing it's just addition.
Any know for sure?

I'll let you all know when I've got the hack completed.

David Fish "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA You won't get it!
   fishd.at.tiac.net By hook or by crook we will"
   dfish.at.bev.etn.com _The Prisoner_

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Robertson [mailto:jrr@flippers.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:02 PM
> To: TechToolsList@flippers.com; TechToolsList@flippers.com
> Subject: Re: Fluke 9100s - Who has what?
> The problem with the checksum that the Fluke generates is
> that it has no bearing on checksums that are created by
> most eprom programmers etc, so it means you have to create
> a new list of "Fluke" checksums for each rom image. I have
> sent the file of the base unit for the 9010A to Jess, but
> it is a Z80 based system and he is not so familiar with that,
> any Z80 guru's want a crack at this?

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Received on Mon May 08 07:46:25 2000

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