Edit Teledisk files

From: Kev <KKlopp_at_erols.com>
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 09:59:56 EDT

I put out a request for how to edit teledisk file & this is what I have so

I suppose you want to edit ASCII messages of some progams.
You can do it directly by using some editor for binary files or use
following procedure:

1. Use binex to translate OS-9 binary files into Motorola S format.
2. ... do editing...
3. Use exbin to do reverse translation.

4. No matter wheteher you used binary editor or binex/exbin use fixmod
to fix module CRC.

Here's what I found on BINEX so far...


If anyone has time to fool with this & actually gets somewhere please let us

I'm still fooling with Missile Command (you can toggle the Sync line via

Received on Mon Sep 16 07:14:45 2002

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