Re: WTB: Fluke 9010A Z80/Z80AA pod ?

From: Mike Coates <>
Date: Tue Aug 02 2005 - 17:14:19 EDT

<x-flowed>I'm 95% sure the z80/aa pod will do all normal z80 stuff, although I
only have a normal z80 one myself (a z80qt would be nice - exactly what
is the difference between that and a normal one - presumably more than
just different firmware?)

All of my pods (I'm in the UK) have come from ebay USA (as did the 9010)
- if you are patient enough and don't mind being outbid by Art on a
regular basis, you will eventually pick them up for reasonable amounts.
  Best deals I've had have been on untested - Art doesn't seem to go for
those as much, and so far everything I have bought has passed self test
when it arrived (but don;t count on that always being so)

daftest one was about a week after a 6809 sold in the UK for around £120
(to Art, who then shipped it to the states), I picked one up on ebay USA
for $70!

> So I have 2 questions:
> 1) Do I need a Z80 and a Z80/AA pod to test the Z80's as found on most
> arcade pcb's or is a single Z80/AA pod sufficient (to test the regular
> Z80) ?
> 2) Is there anyone that has a spare Z80(AA) pod for the Fluke 9010A and
> would be willing to sell it to me at a reasonable price ? I am also
> interested in a 68000 pod but I'd like to get ahold of a Z80 pod to
> start with. I live in Europe, so shipping from USA might be a bit of a
> hassle as well...
> I really hope somebody is able to help me out... I was very happy being
> able to get a 9010A but did not know that the pods were so hard to
> get/expensive :-(
> Sorry for posting this on this list. I could not find a FAQ so I hope a
> "WTB" does not get me banned...
> Best regards,
> Filip
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