Re: Considering making FlukeEm open source...

From: James Bright <>
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 08:43:16 EST

And actually if you reversed engineered the I/O module too, you could essentially replace the 9100A. It's a little more involved (both reverse engineering the I/O module and writing the database software). However, the 9100A using the I/O module is EXTREMELY powerful. I'd write the IDE/database program for the 9100A like app so long as no one cared that it was C# :-) JB ---------------------------------------- From: Adam Courchesne <> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:45 AM To: Technical Tools Mail List <> Subject: Re: [Techtoolslist] Considering making FlukeEm open source... Whoever designed the pods took the time to understand the functionality of each respective processor. For example, for processor type ABC, a read consists of putting the read address on the address in cycle N, then expect the data in cycle N+1. They then wrote code to support this behavior and programmed it into the pod, so that when a read command is received from the Fluke, it performs these functions. For processor XYZ, the read (and thus POD) behavior would be completely different. Writing a direct uP USB adapter is certainly possible, but in doing so we would be reinventing the wheel. (I think some other companies have these?) What I wanted to do is look at the commands getting sent from the Fluke to the pod. (I.E. what gets sent to the pod when the READ @ 7000 command is sent) Once I get a full understanding of the Fluke to POD command interface, I can then write an ICE (In Circuit Emulator) that supports these pods. Think about it.. you could write Z80 C or assembly code on your PC, and use this program to execute it on the native Z80 based system the pod is plugged into. Real time code development and debug baby. :-) On 11/15/05, Tom McClintock <> wrote: Why stay with the POD at all? Why not a USB to CPU adapter cable or something similar? tm -Adam ==================== ====================

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Received on Wed Nov 16 08:49:09 2005

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