Fluke 9100A system

From: Filip Hautekeete <fhaut_at_griffion.com>
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 02:45:04 EST

Hello all,

What are the main differences between the Fluke 9100A system and the regular
Fluke 9010A ? I know it can handle the 9132A pods, but are there any other
reasons worth upgrading to the 9100A ?

What are the differences between 9100A, 9100AF and 9105A ?

What prices are those systems sold for nowadays on eBay ? I tried to browse
through completed listings but it seems there has not been an 9100A on there
for a while...

Thanks in advance & happy holidays to everyone,


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Received on Wed Dec 21 02:45:53 2005

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