Kool Tools: IC Comparator checks PROMs

From: John Robertson <jrr_at_flippers.com>
Date: Fri Feb 24 2006 - 12:13:23 EST

If anyone has a BUGTRAP IC Comparator, this toll also appears to
compare PROMs. Very nice for checking soldered in PROMs (like an
Asteroids C8 PROM). I wonder if it will also check RAM - never
attempted that, but perhaps the next time I have a suspect RAM I'll
pop the IC Comparator across it and see. Note the Comparator that I
am using is the second generation version that checks up to 20 pin

Have a customer sending in a Death Race, I think the BUGTRAP IC
Comparator and an Eprom Emulator could be used together to check in
circuit PROMs that one does not have a known-to-be-good one handy!
Svae desoldering a bunch of PROMs...

Disclaimer: I don't work for BUGTRAP...

John :-#)#
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Received on Fri Feb 24 12:13:35 2006

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