Re: FIDE Include files

From: Martin White <>
Date: Wed Aug 16 2006 - 21:30:09 EDT

Hi James,

Iıll double check in the morning as Iıve just shut it down for the night
now, but I THINK that the text I listed is literally the extent of the
message. About the only downside I have with running it in the virtual
machine is I canıt cut and paste the code. Well, I guess I can use my
webmail :o)

Youıre right thereıs plenty to go on there though so Iıll have a little look
under the hood at the temp dirs and also check out the sample code.

Iıll let you know!

Oh, Iım not actually running with the 9010 on the iMac ­ itıs just more
convenient to work on scripts from the comfort of the living room and then
take them out to the workbench when theyıre more or less ready to be put to
work. Mind you, I am running the 9010 via a USB to serial adapter so I
imagine I could use an iMac, but the expense of having a second iMac on the
workbench would be extravagance beyond belief!!


On 17/8/06 02:16, "James Bright" <> wrote:

> Works on my machine :-) (Actually I use it a lot because I have a lot of
> libraries for specific chip tests.)
> Couple of things....
> FIDE uses the *original* compiler. It does this by (behind the scenes) taking
> the input text file (script) and passing that to the compiler by dynamically
> creating a batch file. Look in the folder called "Internal" and you'll see a
> lot of these working files. At least that is where I think I put them. It's
> been a good two years since I cracked open that code. At any rate, what it
> does is literally insert the contents of the file where that include statement
> is and then calls the compiler. Do the samples work for you? I think the
> centipede sample has an include statement in it. Also, what exactly does it
> say in the Messages window? You can look in that Internal directory to see if
> there is a temporary file to give you a clue as well.
> Since it was never tested on iMac so that's a try at your own risk ;-)
> I was going to attach the code that handles this... but there is a lot and it
> probably wouldn't mean a whole lot unless you saw it all in context. I seem to
> recall having to do dumb things with long file names because the original
> compiler couldn't handle it. But I got it to work on the standard winxp
> platform just fine...
> Hope that gives you something to at least look at.
> JB
> --James Bright
> Restored Arcade Games for your Home
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Martin White
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:12 PM
>> To: Technical Tools Mail List <>
>> Subject: Re: [Techtoolslist] FIDE Include files
>> Oops, sorry, that should read: include ³mwz80.9lc² not ³plc²!
>> On 17/8/06 01:09, "Martin White" <> wrote:
>>> Not sure if James is reading this list but I guess this is as good a place
>>> as any to ask!
>>> Has anyone had any problems using include files with FIDE? Specifically
>>> v4.1.9
>>> The following simply doesnıt want to work, I just get the compile error
>>> ³Cannot open file mwz80.9lc²
>>> Setup
>>> exercise errors YES
>>> include ³z80.pod²
>>> include ³mwz80.plc²
>>> Iıve also tried ³~/mwz80.plc² and also the entire path.
>>> The file ³mwz80.plc² DOES exist and it exists in the same path as the main
>>> script that Iım calling it from.
>>> Any ideas? Not trying to do anything fancy, just including stuff like ³trap
>>> bad power supply NO² that I do virtually all the time on all scripts. Etc.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin.
>>> PS: Iım using FIDE on Windows XP Pro in a Parallels Desktop virtual machine
>>> on an intel iMac but I fail to see why that should really make much
>>> difference :)

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Received on Wed Aug 16 21:30:19 2006

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