Re: Star Trek pinout wanted

From: Mit Matelske <Mit_Matelske_at_BayNetworks.COM>
Date: Tue Jan 06 1998 - 10:59:55 EST

>Star Trek was a popular Asteroids conversion. Replace the vector monitor and
>insert a finger board and re-wire the control panel, and most of the existing
>Asteroids harness could be re-used. However, the edge card conn you mention
>doesn't have a pin out that matches any game (as far as I can tell), so a
>mapping finger board was probably required for any or all Star Trek
>This is all just my theory, of course :-). Anyone ever had a complete Star
>Trek conversion kit? I have the manual, but it never mentions any particular
>conversion procedures.
>Mark Jenison E-mail address:
>Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
>Mark Jenison

I have the wiring harness and cage for a Star Trek that was out of an
Asteroids Deluxe. If I remember I'll check it out tonight ... I do
remember the soldering job on the fingerboard being pretty damn
sloppy :)

Received on Tue Jan 6 07:59:03 1998

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