Re: Signature Analysing Question

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 01:45:51 EST

Mark Shostak wrote:
> In message "Signature Analysing Question", writes:
> > So, can I even use this beasty to test sig's of the address lines etc? I
> > really wanted to use this thing to find bad LS245's when they report bad
> > RAM's but I suppose I bought the wrong item? Anyone have a CAT box?
> You can test the '245s w/ the HP easily. Simply read your signatures
> on the CPU socket instead of the originating node. If you read a bad
> sig, check the originating node to make sure the sig is good there.
> If its bad at the EPROM, it'll be bad at the buffer, guaranteed.
> You can also test the 2114s w/ the HP. However, it's much easier to test
> them w/ the CAT (sorry, none for sale). To test the RAM you'd need a
> special 'F8' ROM (old Apple ][ term) to write the sig patterns into the RAM.
> Then you can test them like they were a regular PROM or EPROM.
> Cheers,
> Mark

Hi, Mark!

You can also wire up a special CPU that is locked into "NOP" function,
this will generate a nice pattern for SI.

John :-#)#

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 Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games), web page      
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Received on Tue Jan 13 22:47:46 1998

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