Re: Cine deflection transistors

From: Zonn <>
Date: Mon Mar 23 1998 - 16:33:40 EST

On Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:47:49 -0600, wrote:

>Does anyone have a suggested source for the Cine deflection transistors
>(2N5876, 2N5878)? I haven't called any suppliers yet, but a quick look in
>my usual catalogs has revealed:

The transistors used in the WG / Amplifone monitors are a slightly better cross
for the Cinematronics transistor. (A little bit more current handling and a
slightly higher breakdown voltage if I recall).

They'd be your best bet, and are a slight improvement over the originals.
>Jameco crosses one of them to an ECG284 / 2N3773 part number at $1.49 ea.
>MCM has the ECG284, ECG285 parts at $10.43 and $11.17 (ouch!) respectively.

Buy a Zanen WG kit and get a bundle of them.

>Mouser has the same parts and prices as MCM.
>Newark has neither, though I didn't look real hard.
>I don't know if Zanen has them in a kit, but I'm about to give them a call
>to find out.
>Any other suggestions? How about the DAC-80 or LF13331? Are they still

While your looking, also keep an eye out for the DAC-800. This is a better
spec'd pin for pin monolithic replacement for the DAC-80, and works fine (or
even better) as a direct replacement. In either case (DAC-80 or DAC-800) be
sure you get the voltage versions of these chips, (Must end with a "-V" not

DigiKey claims to have 186 LF13331Ns in stock and want $7.49 a piece for them,
quantity one.



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Received on Mon Mar 23 13:36:15 1998

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