Space Duel PS Question

From: James Marous <>
Date: Mon Apr 06 1998 - 21:06:16 EDT

Well, I picked up a Space Duel at Saturday's Columbus auction for $100.
I replaced a known, good monitor in and as soon as I powered up R101
fried. I don't have schematics for SD lying around, just Tempest. I
remember on Tempest that there are 3 lines for the monitor power
supply. Two brown wires and a center gray. If I remember right, gray
is CT and the browns are the 50VAC, right?? I measured between the two
browns on SD and got 23 volts, between the gray and one of the browns I
got 60v. Doesn't seem right to me, am I mistaken?? I also seem to
remember that if the voltage to the monitor is too low R101 will fry, am
I right about that?? Thanks for any info!

 My Homepage!
Received on Mon Apr 6 18:06:57 1998

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