Re: (tech) the force is not with me...

From: <>
Date: Sat Jun 27 1998 - 00:33:12 EDT

In a message dated 98-06-26 22:27:58 EDT, you write:

<< As soon as I power up my newly-aquired star wars game, it blows F100 and
F101 on the deflection
 board and cooks the 3716 that's on the chassis kinda under the lower left
edge of the deflection
 board >>

Check to see if any of the 6 chassis transistors are grounded to the frame.
Check them thoroughly because the screws that hold them in place can make
contact with the frame and short just the same. Of course be sure that the
mica insulators are in place.

Kirby G
Received on Fri Jun 26 23:34:00 1998

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