Re: (Color Asteroids (was reproduction artwork...)

From: Mitchell Rohde <>
Date: Mon Aug 03 1998 - 15:58:11 EDT

> "Zonn, could you do some research for me on this old ADC, I'm going to need it
> for, uh, er, a new project we'll be working on. Yeah, that's it, we need
> something like this in a product I can't tell you about. And oh, BTW, how's
> that 10 board PCB run coming??"

 Don't laugh -- you're describing graduate school. Words of an advisor:
"I took apart my lawn tractor and can't get it back together. Could you
fix it for me?" An endless array of bizarre and trivial projects -- oh
yeah, and eventually a dissertation defense...

Received on Mon Aug 3 14:58:19 1998

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