Re: Star Wars/Wells Gardner 6100 Problem

From: Dennis Shirk <>
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 10:36:18 EST

So this sounds familiar, huh? Doh!

Would it be a good idea for me to start tracking down another 19" WG, or
should I try to rule out possible other problems first?

BTW, if it is the problem you mentioned below, would the whole monitor have
to be replaced, or is that something that can be repaired?


Dennis Shirk

>For what it's worth, this is what killed my monitor when I was *first*
>working on the kits-- hence the warning about switching with the game
>Clay's techy idea on what can happen:
>I think you can switch and still have the code land in a segment that
>refreshes the watchdog, but the vector generator crashes.
>Max-deflection for very long = dead monitor. Someday I should probably
>redesign the kit to have the bank-selection switch go into a PAL and
>then have the PAL yank reset for a few clocks after the switch changes
>states. I'd want to *really* fix those nasty old 2212 NOVRAMs at the
>same time though by replacing it with some kind of EEPROM, so the
>project gets larger and I keep putting it off...
Received on Wed Feb 3 09:36:10 1999

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