Re: HV probe

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 15:20:06 EDT

I have one for sale that I picked up at a hamfest.
It is a Heathkit IM-5210 with a built-in
voltmeter that reads from 0 to 40,000 volts with
divisions every 2,000 volts. The tag on it (from
the hamfest) says "never had a volt thru it, $22.50".
I know I never used it. And (since I'm in the
process of getting rid of most all of my games) have
no use for it. For $25 (includes shipping) you can
have it.

jeff hendrix wrote:

> I should probably break down and buy an HV probe since I'm always working on
> monitors.
> Which one do you guys recommend? (I have a fluke 87 multimeter)
> -=jeff
Received on Wed Apr 21 14:19:57 1999

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