Re: Z80

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 22:44:15 EDT

Hi Jeff!

Curiously enough I was rummaging through one of my drawers trying to find
info on Signature Analysis, and turned up an old article from something
called "DESIGN CONCEPTS" entitled "Interfacing Dynamic RAMs to the Z80"
Written by Roy Blacksher who "is a component application manager at Zilog, Inc"
Heres the last paragraph:

"The Z80A has simplified this interface, Internal logic operates totally
transparent to CPU operation, supplying refresh capability without the need
for a refresh counter and its associated multiplexer. This interface can be
configured with just five standard TTL gates to obtain synchronous
generation of the RAS(not), CAS(not) and the multiplexer switching signal."

If you want a copy of the article send me your mailing address the print is
MUCH to fine to fax...
If a number of folks want it I'll try scanning it and upload it to AL for
Note there is no date or magazine name with this article, but it's from
somewhere around 1978.

John :-#)#

At 02:39 PM 7/27/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Is anybody on here an expert on the Z80?
>Specifically, how does the Z80 refresh dynamic memory?

  John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
  Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
         "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Received on Tue Jul 27 21:51:55 1999

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