Re: Cinematronics Vector Programming Manual

From: Al Kossow <>
Date: Tue Aug 24 1999 - 13:51:22 EDT

thanks! I was in shock when Jack handed it to me.
I want to interview him when I return the manuals. Any questions
about the game I should ask? He mentioned a couple of things, that
most of the games came back and were crushed (literally with a wrecking
ball). He got his game by begging them not to crush one of them.
He also remembers a company in Texas getting the rights to build
some (I assume Dynamo)

He didn't think much of Cosmic Chasm, I need to talk more about thigs
with him. He remembered a little about the Rockola games, and he liked
QB-3 (I need to double-check he wasn't thinking of QBert..)
Received on Tue Aug 24 12:51:52 1999

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