Re: Another Major Havoc Q [interesting]

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 10:32:45 EST

I think that the only syptoms that you would see running a faster PCB with a WG would be
mismatched ends of vectors since the beam wouldn't necessarily be at the correct point
before the next vector started to be drawn.
  Does anyone have both board types around with a WG monitor to check out the difference?

Jon Raiford wrote:
> Is this really true? I thought it was just to make the game playable with the
> Tempest spinner. What does the WG6100 look like with a dedicated board (other
> than the normal bending)? I know of at least one dedicated machine that has a
> WG monitor installed and it seems to work fine.
> Jon
> At 07:40 PM 12/02/1999 -0700, you wrote:
> >Major havoc boardsets that were meant to run in a Tempest Conversion (ie using a
> >6101 monitor instead of an amplifone) had slower crystals in them so that the
> >monitor could handle the drawing rate.
Received on Fri Dec 3 09:31:37 1999

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