Re: Vector ROTJ

From: Joel Rosenzweig <>
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 17:41:20 EST

I started thinking about this a while back, too. I even made myself
sketches of the various scenes that I'd like the game to have. What's nice
is that you can draw a production quality screen shot on your computer in no
time, since we only have to draw the vectors! :-) (No 256 colors for
shading, no sireebob!)

In my rendition, your speeder bike had the freedom to move all over the 3D
landscape of the forest of Endor. So you could pull a 360 around the trees
if you wanted to. I can just hear the bikes whir around the trees...


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Jenison <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 12:23 PM
Subject: Vector ROTJ

>Hi all,
>More than once, I've considered getting a ROTJ because then I could
>the Trilogy. However, I just can't stand the game, and it doesn't match
>other two cabinets.
>I recently picked up my third Star Wars cabinet and thought "Boy, a vector
>game would be cool".
>It would probably be something like:
>First Wave: Those speeder bikes (similar to wave 2 of Star Wars, except
>instead of towers and flying speeders to shoot. At the end you get into a
>stolen mini AT-AT)
>Second Wave: Assault on the Shield Generator (similar to wave 2 of ESB,
>shooting the mini AT-ATs and ground troops with your stolen mini AT-AT. At
>end you destroy the shield generator)
>Third Wave: Assult on the Death Stars core (similiar to wave 3 of Star
>Wars...maybe harder, but you can shoot certain blocks out of the way. At
>end, you shoot the Death Star core and fly out...same explosion of Death
>from first game...there's some code reuse! :-)).
>Uh, so ... start programming or something :-)
>Mark Jenison E-mail address:
>Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Mon Dec 6 16:41:27 1999

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