Re: Major havoc trouble

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 17:37:57 EST

Hmmmm, when you turn the brightness up. Is the screen 'normal' looking or does it
bloom in and out depending on what is being drawn? If it 'blooms' around then you have
a HV regulation problem, but I would think that you should still have a screen with this

It sounds like either your High Voltage is low or something is screwy with the screen
voltage (tap off the HV transformer).

If you have a HV probe, I would measure it and verify that it is correct (Be Careful
doing this please)
Also, there is a diode on a secondary tap of the HV tranformer that provides 180V to
the color guns. This diode may be bad or the filter cap on it may be causing the problem
as well. But, I would think that if the 180V were low or missing, you would have a solid
white screen?

Does anyone know if it is safe to measure the focus or brightness voltages? I always see
warnings on monitor schems noting not to try and measure these.

And of course, verify that the +/-27V going into the HV cage is there and within limits.

Timothy Sczerby wrote:
> The monitor I'm using is a WG6100. The neck of the tube does glow orange
> and I can adjust the screen brightness up so I see the vectors being
> drawn,but when I turn it down to where it should be,theres no picture.
> The spot killer is NOT on.
Received on Tue Dec 7 16:36:14 1999

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