Re: 19VLUP22

From: Noel Johnson <>
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 23:28:23 EST

> this saves a lot of shippings costs, they only want the $165 + 8 percent to get
> it to my door. Total amount would be &200.
> Does this seem to be a good deal or is it a rip-off to get my WG6100 running
> again? (Ofcourse with NO screenburn!)

Since it's sort of an oddball tube (100 degree deflection angle and
non-standard tip), what can you do but pay it? (or try to find one
used) The rate seems OK, considering I paid $140 for a new one back in
1992 from the local TV repair shop.
However, are you sure you have a bad tube? :-)

Noel Johnson
Received on Tue Dec 28 22:28:17 1999

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