Re: WTB: WG6100 tube

From: Aaron Howald <>
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 01:07:11 EST

> A search of their website doesn't produce any hits for the M48AAWOOX,
> the medium res amplifone tube. Their has been some controversy over
> whether one of the other Amplifone tubes, the 19VNJP22 is also med res.
> After discussing with David Fish, I am beginning to think it may be low
> res, unfortunately. The sad conclusion of this would be that the Wells
> Gardner 19k6400 series monitors were low res as well.. :-( In any
> event, Richardson does not appear to carry the 19VNJP22 tubes (at least
> a search of their website doesn't produce a hit). Does anyone know
> which tube number the raster game APB used? This was supposed to be a
> medium res game and I have heard that the tube might be useable in an
> amplifone. I believe Tom McClintock actually purchased one of these
> tubes from Richardson, so that may be an option..

On this subject, is there a website listing all the tubes/crosses/yoke
I'd be keen to get a med-res 25" tube that will work with ANY vector yoke...

Aaron Howald

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Received on Wed Feb 9 01:10:37 2000

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