Star Trek Speech

From: Todd Miller <Todd.Miller_at_TELETHINKING.COM>
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 11:10:12 EST

I've been working on my Multi Sega Vector Game and I
was playing Star Trek and noticed that some of the
speech phrases were missing. The last time I played
it, I was using an actual speech board from a complete
ST set and didn't notice any missing phrases. Since
then I have sold that PCB set and I'm now using my
Space Fury speech board & I'm just swapping out the
ROM's. I started to think, is it possible that perhaps the
PROM at location U30 differs from Space Fury/ST & Zektor ?
I can't find any of these PROM images, but I would like to
ask those that have working speech boards for ST & Zektor
to send me the ROM & PROM images. I'm getting tired of
swapping out the speech board when I change games and
if I can get this working I'd like to do a simple bank switch
on the ROMS and just leave the card in the cage.

Todd Miller, LAN Administrator
Ron Weber and Associates
103 E. State Street, Mason City, IA 50401
(515)423-4293/(515)423-4594 FAX <>

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