Searching vectorlist & WGXY help

From: Mark A. Jenison <>
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 17:14:58 EST

Hi all,

This has GOT to be already discussed, but I went to the vectorlist

and I could not find any way to do a search on it (other than going to
each and every month, but that got tedious really quick). Is there
something I'm missing, or are the archives not searchable?

Anyway, the printing of the WG6100 manual I have does not describe what
D901 and D902 in the HV unit are other than saying "Silicode Diode". Does
anyone know the part number/equivalent for these? Also, what is the part
number/equivalent of the 13V diode right next to D902?


Mark Jenison
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Received on Thu Feb 24 17:25:12 2000

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