Re: Source for AY-3-8912 chips

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 04:15:00 EST

I'm probably going to get jumped on for this, but the 3 Star Trek sound ROMS
only take 9K when zipped, so here is the sound ROM image from MAME.

(I promise in advance to not do this again).

Todd Miller wrote:

> >
> > I'm in Houston. What are the EPROM's needed? I have a programmer that can
> > do basic common EPROMS (2716,2732, etc. ,etc.)
> >
> What I've been using for SF/ST/ZK is just a speech PCB with the following
> images off the net.
> Loc Type ST ZK SF
> IC U7 2716 1607 1607 808
> IC U6 2732 1871 1608 970
> IC U5 2732 1872 1609 971
> IC U4 2732 NA 1610 972
> IC U30 MMI. 6331 32*8 PROM (Sig 82S123 ?) my cksum 1F06
> Todd
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32 bit graphical interface for a
16 bit patch for an
8 bit operating system written for a
4 bit processor by a
2 bit company that can't stand
1 bit of competition.

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Received on Tue Feb 29 04:23:10 2000

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