Re: Re: DVG Multigame

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 10:16:30 EST

Of course, buying one from Clay takes $100 out of your pocket. Doing it yourself and documenting everything for others gives you the joy of figuring it out, saves money, and gives a small amount of fame (not that Neil needs the fame w/ EMU and Retrocade). Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Clay. He is a good guy and has done a lot for the community. But even he made a commercial kit for the SW/ESB hack, even though a solution was already available. In this case, its unclear when or if he will release his asteroids multigame.

(Although Neil, its probably worth you time to send Clay an email and see what his plans are)


** Aspiring to fix his Asteroids Deluxe a third time so he may some day be able to hook up an Asteroids w/ a multigame in it.

At 08:30 AM 3/10/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> >I thought "Hey! How about Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe/Lunar Multigame...
> >I'm soliciting input from others as to my approach, so I'll just start
> >rambling. I'm no hardware expert, so if you see a flaw in my approach (or
> >a better way to do it), please let me know!
>Um, depending on how much you value your time, I'd just buy one from
>Clay. I believe he's already finished it. If I recall correctly,
>there isn't enough demand to make it worth his time.
>If he's not going to manufacture it, maybe you can get him to
>"GPL" the project. It's at least worth asking, before you go to all the
>trouble of reinventing the wheel.
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