Other stuff up Clay's sleeves...

From: Clay Cowgill <vector_clay_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 00:39:21 EST

Ok, I figure I should probably make a little laundry list of "stuff" that
I've been working on on the side so hopefully we don't duplicate too many
projects with each other. :-) I've presumably only been working on the
MultiJAMMA and MultiExidy, but I keep cranking out little *things* as I go
along... (In addition to the Asteroids Multigame which I already described
I'll stick to the Vector related ones:)

1) Generic 6502 Multigame/Expansion Platform.
Status: PCB's done
Software: as applicable (some TBD, some done)

This is what the "6502 Get Well Kit" has mutated into. It allows me to make
6502 based kits without having to do quite as much custom-stuff everytime
which will helps keep costs down.

It has the following uses:
  * replace all program ROM and up to 2K of program RAM with one board.
Kind-of a get-well kit for a particular board. Game ROMs need not be
removed, but it's recommended you do to save some wear and tear on original
power supplies.
  * adds non-volatile RAM to 6502 games
  * Has bank selection capability for multigames

Immediate applications in the queue:
  * BattleZone high-score save and ROM replacment. Replaces all program
ROMs (which die on my machine every two days it seems like!) and adds
non-volatile high-score storage.
  * MissileCommand/Super Missile Attack Multigame.
  * Red Baron Get Well board
  * Lunar Lander Get Well board

(all these are probably $30-50 range)

2) Cinematronics -> Wells Gardner monitor adapter
Status: Design and Layout complete. Awaiting first protos.
Software: N/A (by me anyway)

This is meant to complement Mark's CinematMultigame. It plugs in-between a
Cinematronics boardset and a Wells Gardner monitor. It supports B/W and
Color monitors. (greyscale and color support rely on changes to the game
code, so it might just be "dual intensity" for a long while unless people
want to patch Cinemat code. ;-) I imagine it going into an Asteroids cab or
Space Duel (or similar) to play Star Castle, Rip-Off, etc, etc, etc...

(probably $75-100 depending on DAC prices and availability)

3) Asteroids Color Mod.
Status: PCB's were done, need to be revised.
Software: Done for Asteroids, Deluxe needs work.

This is actually a board that adapts Asteroids/Deluxe to plug into a Space
Duel or Gravitar. It involves a change to the VROM on the game so that the
game shapes are all colorized. (Another reason that the AsteroidsMultigame
is RAM loadable-- supports full color games from Asteroids hardware with
this board.)

The boards need to be re-done because the 82S135 I used for the color lookup
tables is basically extinct. The adapter reroutes all the controls and
handles the power, so it's "plug adapter onto Asteroids boardset and plug
into Space Duel (or Gravitar with jumper changes)".

Didn't really have anyone knocking down my door for this one, so I've left
it alone for now.

(target price is about $40.)

4) Space Duel/Gravitar Expander
Status: Vaporware
Software: Even more so

Cartridge based system with multiple slots to support new games in Space
Duel/Gravitar. Not many people interested in writing games though. :-(

(Target price is about $99 with a new game)

5) Vector-Sitter
Status: Collecting parts and testing.
Software: 30%

This sits in-between a vector game board and a vector monitor. It's
basically a "baby-sitter" for the monitor. It does the following:

* Digital spot-killer. (Watches for X/Y deflection and shuts off color guns
if no deflection, drops power to the monitor if condition persists for too
long. Sounds alarm if triggered.)
* Input clamp. High-speed TVS supressors clamp input signals preventing
maximum-off-screen deflection instantaneously.
* Temperature monitoring. Three thermal sensors monitor deflection
transistor, power transistor, and HV cage temperature. Fan outputs turn on
additional (optional) fans when temp rises. Alarm (buzzer) sounds when
overtemp. Drops monitor power if condition persists but continues to run
* Voltage monitoring. Watches +/- supply rails. Sounds alarm if over/under
limit hits. Drops monitor power if voltage goes too high of too low for too
* Hour meter/event logger. Records monitor "time on" as well as stress
conditions. Stores them to EEPROM. Can be retrieved by serial port for
maintenance interval info and/or post-mortem in the event of failure.

(price range is $20-40 depending on options)

6) Vectrex-Arcade
Status: partially designed, trying to feel out price and parts avail.
Need to talk to Smith Engineering for License.
Software: Not started.

This is a Vectrex compatible game board that plugs into an Asteroids or
Space Duel (or similar). It has a "turbo" mode with color outputs, a
Hitachi 6309, hardware-assisted line drawing, and a spare POKEY for some
more sound voices. (A second processor draws lines freeing the CPU-- only
useful for new games as a general rule)

Since Smith Engineering was very cool about releasing the Vectrex games for
the hobby-crowd I want to make sure I get their blessing before going too
far on this. I'm concerned about availability of the 6309 and 6809,
although I could probably buy a lifetime supply for not too-much money...

(target price is $150-ish depending on licensing fees)

Anyway, the rest of the stuff is raster-related. It all takes time, but I'm
doing pretty good about finishing projects that I start. Hearing what
people like/want helps steer me in the right direction. (But please don't
direct it to the list-- clay@yahoo.com is fine if something's not
appropriate for further discussion here.)

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