Re: DVG Multigame and Clay's ADL Multigame

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 21:16:40 EST

> >This is more than a disassembly. This is a disassembly and it has been
> >modded so it can be relocated anywhere in memory. The other groovy thing
> >about this is that you aren't confined to the 6000-7fffh region. You can
> >add/delete/hack as you see fit.
> Ahh, that's cool. I'd be interested to see that when you get it working, if
> only out of idle curiosity...

I have Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe in relocatable source form now.
Asteroids Deluxe was giving me fits because it put some of the 6502 code
in the vector ROM (!!!). Game code and vector data are intermixed, and
that has been taken care of. ;-) I had to leave the vector data alone,
though, unless I really wanted to go off and get crazy (which I don't).

I'm working on Lunar Lander right now. I almost have it back in to
recompilable source form, though instead of blinking the landing pads,
it's blinking "AUXILIARY FUEL" in place of it. Kinda amusing! But at least
Lunar Lander doesn't intermix vector data and code.

> >You also didn't have the ability to just make the code bigger easily. I'd
> >rather study source code and mod it
> Actually, there's pretty good expansion capabilities in my hardware. In

I was referring to the inability to just move a game to another region or
make it "a little bigger". You're kinda forced to just patch things with
this approach.

> It would be cool to use Neil's relocatable code along with my hardware and
> "expand" asteroids-- have it add some new shapes and enemies after a while,
> use the POKEY for new sounds, etc. Maybe some intermissions? (The
> asteroids ship could wander into a game of Omega Race by accident... ;-)

Hehehehe... the mind wanders. ;-)


Neil Bradley Seti@Home Hall of Shame on a 80386DX16, Intel 80387
Synthcom Systems, Inc. 32MB RAM, Win 95 Status: 48.425% complete
ICQ # 29402898 CPU Time: 1721 Hours 14 minutes 53.4 sec

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