TECH: Help with Black Widow board

From: Walt <>
Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 13:24:24 EST

Have a problem with a Black Widow board I am hoping someone can help me out
with. When the game is powered up, the game comes up and you can see the
web, spider, and the enemy insects. BUT there is no text (insert coins,
high score, etc) visible. In place of the text are a few random vectors -
but nothing legible.

When the Black Widow logo comes up on the screen, it jitters very rapidly,
and the rest of the vectors crash to the lower left portion of the screen.
At that time, the game locks up, the monitor chatters, and the spot killer
led on the monitor comes up (at which time I turn the game off before it
kills the monitor).

I can get into the test mode - but nothing is legible because there is no

All of the socketed chips (ram, rom, cpu, pokey, etc) have been verified in
a perfectly working board.

Anybody else had problems like this?? I have replaced the 12-bit and 8-bit
DACs and the 1495's - but to no avail.



Please respond by e-mail as my news server is very flaky.

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Received on Sun Mar 19 13:33:09 2000

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