The KrazyKatt MH Saga continues!

From: Josh McCormick <>
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 16:43:31 EDT

Just wanted to give an update on the saga of my Major Havoc PCB and
Tempest conversion board that was purchased from KrazyKatt on eBay.

The initial problem with the PCB set was a bad vector ROM. The only
lasting problem was that all the controls worked EXCEPT for the encoder
wheel. Tried two different working Tempest cabinets. Same thing. Hours and
hours of fiddling with it. Nada.

Well, I've let the board sit for about six months. Yesterday, I plugged it
in the same cabinet. Whaddya know. The game works perfectly! Go figure?

PS: This is probably a MH FAQ. My neck hurts from turning my head
sideways. Aside from remounting the monitor, is there a good faq for
swapping the X axis with the Y axis on this game? It also seems that the
vector x-axis size control doesn't shrink the image down far enough...?
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