FT: Fluke 9010a

From: tom mcclintock <tomm_at_mgcap.com>
Date: Tue Jan 02 2001 - 14:36:55 EST

Slightly off-topic, but my post never seems to show up on the Tech-Tools

Anyway, I have for trade a working Fluke 9010a with version 2B software.
Has the RS-232 I/O interface installed and the micro cassette storage
unit. The 9010 powers up and checks out ok. The downside is I have no
probe, pods or microcassettes, but it does come with the extra sexy
black carrying case.

I'm looking for some vector and non-vector items, so if you're
interested, e-mail me privately and I'll forward my want list.

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Received on Tue Jan 2 14:48:56 2001

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