Re: Star Trek G08 Monitor Image Reversal

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Wed Jan 03 2001 - 08:00:35 EST

Actually, I believe you have it backwards. Games that use the mirrors have to swap the y axis. (Think about it.. How could the mirror swap the x axis with the way the mirror tilts?)


At 12:50 PM 1/3/2001 +0300, you wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: "Tom Cloud" <>
>Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 17:03:09 -0800
>Subject: VECTOR: Star Trek G08 Monitor Image Reversal
> > Any ideas on how to
> > reverse the backwards display??
>All you need to do is reverse the connections to the scan-coils.
>you may not need to swap the verical, only the horizontal.
>fit the monitor into the new cab first and see how it looks.
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Received on Wed Jan 3 08:13:18 2001

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