Re: MH CP on eBay

From: <>
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 15:43:33 EST

The conversion control panels came with the plastic spinner (and maybe the standard spinner too). It is pictured in the conversion manual. It is just like the Blasteroids spinner, but it has less tension. It uses brass weights to give the spinner mass. The last two NOS conversion panels I seen, had the plastic spinner.


In a message dated Tue, 6 Feb 2001 3:38:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, "chumblespuzz" <> writes:

<< The spinner you described is exactly what I have on my Blasteroids (which
was released in 1987). Considering MH was released in 1983, I doubt that
this would have been used for conversions.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Koolpe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: MH CP on eBay

> >>This looks like a standard Space Duel conversion control panel. What
> >>the signs that it is anything else?
> >
> >It isn't shaped like a Space Duel CP and it is using a dedicated MH
> >controller rather than a Tempest spinner. All of the conversion kits
> >for Space Duel) used the Tempest spinner. This definitely looks like a
> >home-built conversion using a dedicated controller and a conversion kit
> >CPO. It's quite valuable in any case if for no other reason than it
> >contains a dedicated MH controller.
> >
> I recently got what I was told was a dedicated MH spinner for my MH which
> is a Space Duel conversion. It came with a nice Tempest upright that I
> picked up recently. I switched the "Tempest" spinner from my MH to the
> Tempest and put the "MH" spinner on the MH.
> The spinner has a different overall shape than the normal Tempest spinner
> with fewer veritcal ridges and the molded Atari logo is printed on the top
> circular surface. Underneath the control panel, the entire mechanism of
> the spinner is encased in a black, plastic case (i.e. not exposed). It is
> also weighted somewhat so that when you spin it, it takes more effort, but
> I guess the idea was that it would be better for the more subtle moves
> you have to make during the game (particularly while you're inside each
> space station) as opposed to Tempest where quickness is much more of a
> factor.
> So anyways, while we were all on the topic, I was just curious if this MH
> spinner is truly unique to the conversions...
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Koolpe
> Staff Research Associate
> University of California, San Francisco
> Department of Microbiology & Immunology
> Tel: (415) 476-9371 Fax: (415) 476-8201
> mail to:
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