Re: Soldering crusty wires

From: big dog <>
Date: Sat Feb 10 2001 - 04:09:45 EST

I always use a wire stripper to get the coating off copper wire, like
what is on a horizontal width coil. After that you can tin the wire
with no trouble. Maybe you can do the same with this.

Best of luck,
Mark Capps

Chris Starr wrote:

> I always use liberal amounts of rosin flux and heat, I managed to burn
> off all of the corrosion without melting the wires. It makes a lot of
> smoke, but it works.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:David Shoemaker
> To:
> Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 3:46 AM
> Subject: VECTOR: Soldering crusty wires
> Working on repairing a choped wiring harness. Striped off
> the insulation on a couple of the wires and they are brown
> with oxidation. No way in hell I can get the solder to do
> anything other than roll off and land on my leg (possibly
> burning through my pants on the way :) Anyone have a trick
> to clean this stuff off well enough to solder?I am using
> standard 60/40 rosin core solder.Thanks,David

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