Re: Soldering crusty wires

From: someotherguy <>
Date: Sun Feb 11 2001 - 13:30:48 EST

I have to agree with the "you might want to replace it" school of thought. If
it's that crusty, certainly it's adding increased resistance to the overall
scheme of things, and that just ain't good! : )

Richard wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Feb 2001 00:46:56 -0800, you wrote:
> >Working on repairing a choped wiring harness. Striped off the insulation
> >on a couple of the wires and they are brown with oxidation. No way in hell
> >I can get the solder to do anything other than roll off and land on my leg
> >(possibly burning through my pants on the way :)
> >
> >Anyone have a trick to clean this stuff off well enough to solder?
> I haven't tried this trick myself (yet), but I've been told that a
> tarnish remover like "Twinkle" or "Tarn-X For Copper" can give surprisingly
> good results...
> ...although if the wire is that bad off, you might want to consider
> replacing it entirely.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "There is no virtue in suffering fools gladly, for it only encourages them to
> persist in their foolishness." --Kehlog Albran
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> solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)
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