Re: Google search

From: Dave Downin <>
Date: Fri Mar 02 2001 - 22:59:33 EST

What search are you using? I just recently added the Google search to the
actual vectorlist archives site. Just did a check on "vector asteroids" and
got back about 1,850 results. Seems to be working.

Slightly off topic, has anyone had any experience with this scope:

We just got some of these in at work, and with all the features, seems a
little too good to be true. But I'm very tempted to buy one for home!!!

> Hi all,
> Has anybody had any luck searching the archives lately? I can't get the
> Google search to return any results from the Vector archives.
> Lewis

Dave Downin (
        "Sorry, the world is nuts.  It can't be helped" - Arlo Guthrie
                       ArloNet -
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