Re: Gold Gravitar?

From: someotherguy <>
Date: Sun Apr 01 2001 - 23:38:07 EDT

That disaster of a machine has been around the South East quite a bit : )

When I first heard of it, it was being sold as an empty cabinet. I passed on
the deal because I didn't want to take on the project of finding all the Grav
parts. Another guy I know bought it, and it turned out to be a complete machine
(dammit!!!) except the edge connector on the boardset was broken off. He told
me it was painted yellow and had this silly doorbell credit button. He got a
board for it, repaired the monitor, and sold it to who knows. Apparently they
tired of it quickly because not long after, it showed up at the Atlanta Super
Auction (not the last one but the one before last.)

John Russo paid $450 for it. I couldn't believe it. I figured it wasn't worth
much more than the monitor and boardset could go for parted out. After having
to pay fees, and drag that thing home to Florida, I can only imagine what the
reserve is, and what his perceived value of it is.


chumblespuzz wrote:

> What's up with this Gravitar? Check out the pic at this (incredibly long)
> url:
> 4=&p5=&p6=&p7=&p8=&p9=&p10=&p11=&p12=&u=
> &
> It's from an eBay auction (not mine) that you can find easily if you have
> difficulty with this url.
> I don't think the photo has been edited as there is white present. What
> gives?
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