Asteroids Deluxe hacking unsuccessful so far

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 02:52:14 EDT

Well, I did the mods tonight, burned the 27512 with the proper images and
nothing comes up. It's just dead. No video - nothin'. I haven't
troubleshot it yet, but I'm done working on it for the night. Too tired,
and I'm liable to screw something else up. Some notes I've verified:

* The ROM images appear in the correct locations, the ROM image verifies,
and the vector ROMs go with the main code ROM set
* I have checked and double checked the wiring on the 7400 (shown as the
upside down chip - notched end to the LEFT indicated by the pen mark)
* I have implemented Gary's 7400 array of gates for the !CE signal to the

Anyway, the photo is here:

If any of you would like to sleuth this one, it'd be nice to have another
set of eyes on it. Otherwise, I'll have a closer look tomorrow. G'Night...


Neil Bradley Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz.
ICQ #29402898

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Received on Wed Apr 25 02:58:54 2001

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