Re: Asteroids Deluxe "gel"

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 13:43:59 EDT

You have two options here and they both include using some UV tint for cars.

Option 1: Find some blue UV tint

Option 2: Find a blue plastic gel (or just use the original) and also use
some UV tint

What can I say, the UV tint makes all the difference w/ asteroids deluxe
:) It stops the tube from glowing from the black light. The end result is
that the vectors seem to actually float on the backdrop, while the backdrop
looks nice and bright.


At 10:18 AM 5/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>All this hack talk's got me motivated to dust off my Ast Dlx and
>The blue gel overlay that sits on the monitor on my Ast Dlx is kinda hammered.
>Any suggestions for where to get replacements for this? Local hobby shop, etc?
>Obviously it would have to be able to take the heat of the monitor, no?
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